Our Programs
Home Visiting
From day one, the little things you do can make a big difference in your baby's life!
What a child experiences in their first years of life makes a big difference in how their brain will develop and how they will interact with the world as they grow.
Home visitors partner with families to promote child development and confident parenting by supporting the relationship among the family, home visitor and the community.

What Home Visitors Do
Come to see you in the convenience of your home
Offer support and listen to you and what you have to say
Answer questions and share information about prenatal health, newborn care and child development
Help connect you with resources in your community

Benefits of Home Visiting
Support for you, your baby and your family’s well-being
Better understand how your baby lets you know what she wants
Discover ways to use your relationship with your baby to support his development
Better understand the baby blues

Who is Home Visiting For?
Anyone!! Home Visiting is completely free!
You simply need to call to set up an appointment.
For more information please call: 505-247-2079 ext. 108 or email: sally@westernheightsabq.org